Be a Guest Speaker

Our Club is always seeking speakers that have an interesting and informing presentation to enhance the Club's mission of philanthropic giving. The Club welcomes speakers who can further Club awareness of service needs in our community or the national or international community at-large. Additionally, Rotarians represent a cross section of vocations that contribute to the health and well being of our community; economically, physically, intellectually, spiritually, socially and creatively. The Club is not a political or religious organization, therefore the topics should appeal to a wide audience and represent the Rotary "four way test" of all we say and do:

  • 1. Is it the TRUTH?
  • 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
  • 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS?
  • 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?

We ask that you continue reading to view our 'Guest Speaker Guidelines'.

Our members start to arrive about 7:20 AM. The meeting begins at 7:30 AM and concludes promptly at 8:30 AM. You are our guest so when you arrive, announce you are the guest speaker. If you have need for AV setup, please arrive early enough to accomplish this prior to the start of our club meeting at 7:40.

The guest speaker is normally introduced about 8:00 AM. Club members expect guest speakers to make a 15-20 minute presentation, followed by a few minutes of questions and answers. There are typically between 25-30 Rotarians and guests in attendance.

Presentations should not outwardly promote a specific business or its services. Your presentation should be non-political and non-sectarian unless you have been invited specifically for that purpose. Directly soliciting purchases or donations is not acceptable.

Guest speakers are welcome to invite interested Club members to stay after the meeting for more information. Handouts for Club members are welcome. The Club does have limited audio-visual technology of its own (projector and screen), but does NOT have an adapter to connect a MAC or iPad, nor de we have amplified speakers. More information is provided in the form below.

We do ask that you complete our Guest Speaker Information form. This will enable us to correctly announce your presentation topic and also publish it in our bulletin and then at the meeting to give you a proper introduction. We look forward to your visit and your presentation.

Global Grant Scholarship - Jordan Koletic
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